


Living Life To The Fullest

Saving abandoned children and seeing them start living life to the fullest is one of the greatest thrills in my life. The joy comes not only in seeing our children flourish in their new lives with their forever family, but in seeing the huge magic of transformation in the lives of the forever parents, grandparents and so many others. This is certainly the case for Mike and Donna Arnold who only last month got to take their forever child, two year old Ming Yue (now Carly), home with them. Donna recently wrote:

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Beibei's Wish!

You can't help but love Mia France. Mia is one of those children who has such a beautiful combination of light-up-the-room charisma, sharp intellect and quiet poise that she casts a spell on you. It was hardly surprising therefore that the Xining Children's Home staff were practically falling over one another to talk to Mia, who was originally known as BeiBei , when she returned to the Center for the first time since being adopted five years ago.

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SHINEing for Rita!

Many Nepalese, Pakistani and Indian families encounter immense integration and segregation problems in Hong Kong, especially those who have recently arrived. We want to do as much as we can to bring about harmony in our society, so Christian Action recently opened a new centre to serve ethnic minorities. We have called it SHINE, which stands for Services for Harmonious Integration and Neighbourhood Empowerment.

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It All Started With A Dream!

Shortly after I became Executive Director in 1992 I began earnestly seeking God's will for Christian Action. The following summer, I had a very vivid dream where a newborn baby in a hospital in China was rejected by her mother. A man in a white gown told me that they didn’t have any resources to keep the baby and she would probably die if no one wanted her. I ran back to my church in distress and asked a good friend to adopt this baby girl. He and his wife had already adopted two boys from Hong Kong and were truly Christians in action. To my deepest disappointment and anguish, he refused, saying it was “too far and too difficult.” I woke up in floods of tears. My heart was so troubled and restless. I had been committing the direction of CA to God; could this be His answer?

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The Rainbow Connection

Crystal and Jeff Kershaw live on the other side of the world from the Xining Children's Home, an orphanage that Christian Action co-manages on the edge of the Tibetan Plateau. Like many of you, the Kershaws have a deep sense of connection to the children in Xining. I'm so thankful to Crystal, who I wrote about in ' A Double Rainbow Blessing' last week, for sharing the moving story of their experience of adopting Meizi in 2001. This is what she wrote to us last week:

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