


Entries from February 1, 2022 - February 28, 2022


Great is Your Faithfulness

'I'm thankful for being part of the Christian Action family for so many years. One of the great things about us is that we have so many programmes that are tailored to serve people's particular needs. This includes training for the unemployed, supporting the ethnic minorities and caring for Chinese orphans.'

- TANG Wai-Pong

Christian Action is in the people business. We are a team of people who are privileged with serving other people in their moment of need. Two of those team members, along with other long-time employees, were recently recognized in a ceremony that celebrated their long service.

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Surely There Must Be Something We Can Do?

In early January 2022 Hong Kong experienced its fifth wave of COVID with the variant Omicron. The government imposed strict social distancing measures and the whole city was put on high alert. Unemployment, particularly among low income earners, soared.

I asked myself ‘surely there must be something we could do, to bless our service users over the Lunar New Year?’ Prompted by my friend, Kim Yeh, the idea of a Chinese New Year Blessings Bag came into my mind. It represents love, care and concern from the community to the underprivileged.

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Farewell Woody!

What type of person willingly trades the creature comforts of home, their friends and family for five years of isolation and hardship on the Tibetan Plateau? The answer is a person like Woody, a tremendous frontline staff who has just wrapped up his time serving disabled children in Qinghai Province, China.

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The Airline Flight That Lasts A Lifetime

“I was most excited when the plane started speeding down the runway. It was so noisy! And the sinking feeling right after the take-off made some of us so scared that they even threw up!” - One of the children from our Centre.

Do you remember the first time you ever flew in an airplane? The excitement as you boarded? The cacophony of noise as it hurtled down the runway? We all do. And that’s why I’m so grateful for the Lions Club of Kowloon City.

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