


Beautiful Meili!

About a year ago I went to the US with Marlon. I vividly remember two reunions in DC and LA as if they happened yesterday. I will always treasure my memories of children who were once in our care, now grown up and happily living with their loving families. Actually, we had a third reunion during our stay.

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The Way To Serve

In a society where people in need are all around us, it is my belief that our duty and responsibility is to help each other whenever we can, because we are all children of God. For some of us who want to do this, we might find ourselves not knowing where to start. There are actually a multitude of ways to get started!

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Marlon and the Triumph over Cancer

For over 15 years I have been participating in RTHK's Thought for the Week radio programme. It has been a good opportunity to share my thoughts and experiences about our work, because I want to inspire others to serve Christ. It has indeed been a huge blessing to me and hopefully to some of the listeners too. It's exciting that Marlon, my ever-loving and supportive husband, was recently given the same opportunity to bless others with his amazing journey with the Lord.

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Greening Lives to Empower Those in Need

It has been our mission at Christian Action to constantly innovate and explore ways to better serve all those who are in need. Now that World Environment Day is right around the corner, I am reminded of our efforts for a better environment. At the same time, we must also double our efforts to help those around us who are in need. I am reminded of the vision my Christian friend had of me. In her vision, I was standing in a warehouse full of boxes. That was the confirmation I needed that the clothes we don’t use anymore can help others in the community.

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A Success Story

Alex (middle) is one of the first few cohorts of the Employability Programme of CFR

Refugees are one of the groups of people that have inspired my work in Christian Action. They face a multitude of challenges every day, and their responses should be an inspiration to all of us. Our involvement in the plight of the Vietnamese refugees became the foundation of all our programmes. They range across different groups of people in need in Hong Kong and China. It is so rewarding and affirming whenever I hear stories of their success.

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