


About Me

In case you don’t know anything about me, my name is CHEUNG-ANG Siew Mei (last name Cheung-Ang). I have served Christian Action as Executive Director since 1992.  Many years before that, it became clear to me that if I truly wanted to serve God, I should use the gifts and skills He has given me to serve those in need. My daily Bible reading constantly confirms that He cares deeply about the most vulnerable people, particularly children. It was quite a shock when God gave me a vision to go to China and help orphaned and disabled children. As a mother myself, it gives me great joy to now see helpless children getting what they need: love, and professional care and for many, a new family.

I thank God for the privilege of working in partnership with the government in HK and China as we together seek to meet the needs of the poorest of the poor. This unique team work has been the key to making a great difference in many lives that were previously without hope.  A great deal of work remains to be done, and we need many more willing team-mates like you who will support us with your gifts and with your prayers.  Thank you for spending your precious time reading about this great work!

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