A Born Leader!

One of life's unsolved mysteries is why a child who has the confidence, courage and intellect to achieve great things is born in a body which is lacking in many other ways.
One thing I do know is that the rest of us who have healthy bodies also have the ability to encourage and support children like these... children like six-year-old Chui.
Chui stared death in the face within days of her birth. Desperately ill and without parents to fight her battles with her, she endured, and she continues to survive and thrive. Maybe that early experience has led her to care for everyone around her... despite her underdeveloped ear and eye, and her battle with a debilitating skin condition.
At the tender age of six Chui is the leader at home. She lives at Xin Ning court, the small group home complex opposite Xining Children's home. It is shared by her house parents and two older brothers, Jun and Hing. Jun is 13, and has cognitive disabilities. He can't communicate verbally and can only perform simple tasks under instruction. Hing, a little younger, is a very clever boy, but he can't help much because he has Cerebral Palsy. Chui is in her element as Mama's helper – she is the little sister in charge!
Chui also positively glows in the lead role on stage. Her self esteem is high, and during a recent volunteer activity conducted by Tibetan students from Huangnan Children's home, Chui had no qualms about singing solo! When she's not entertaining people, Chui loves crafting paper or drawing pictures. She takes immense pride in her school work, and would rather finish her homework than watch TV. Though she has just started Primary One, her handwriting is already considered very neat, which is highly esteemed in Chinese culture. Over the summer holidays Chui attended English classes conducted by volunteer, Robert Byrnes. Now she wants to know the English words for objects around her. She simply loves learning new things.
I want to ask you to pray for this little girl. She is bright, she is a leader, and she desperately needs a forever family. She in on the adoption list as a special needs child, and this is good news. Her alternative fate would be devastating. If Chui is not adopted she will probably be transferred to the adult social welfare institute once she turns 18. Christian Action is doing everything we can to ensure this does not happen. Please pray!
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