Are you doing what YOU love?

As the saying goes, "Do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life”.
My dear colleague, Susanna Lee, has recently returned from a year in Qinghai. She was working with our children's homes and the rehabilitation centre. During my visits to Qinghai or while speaking with her on the phone, it was clearly apparent that she was enjoying her time there immensely!
Susanna fully embraced the opportunity. In addition to her work as a social worker and art therapist, she was eager to experience all Qinghai had to offer. Over and over she told me, "I can't believe I'm being paid to do this!" Susanna shared the following brief reflection with me about her time in Qinghai:
'In 2015, a bible verse from Luke popped up in my mind, "Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a catch." (Luke 5:4). That was Jesus speaking to Simon, but the verse also spoke to me. After months of praying, I joined Christian Action in mid 2015 and moved to Qinghai to begin work. I'm so thankful to the Lord for the fruitful year I spent serving the disabled children while utilizing my professional skill set. It was encouraging to witness the hard work and positive attitude from the rehabilitation workers and special education teachers. I'm convinced that each life affects another, and I pray the love of God continues to grow in Qinghai.'
I'm extremely grateful for Susanna's commitment over the last year. Her humility as she served her Chinese counterparts astonished me. With open arms, she met them all where they were and she influenced them greatly through her actions. She gave so much. But in the end, she said she was the one who received!
We welcome more volunteers and professionals like Susanna to partner with our work in Qinghai. I promise, once you get there, you'll love it! Why do you think I keep going back after 19 years?! Please contact me if you too are called to serve the children in Qinghai.
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