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Where The Magic Happens

“When I began my internship with Christian Action I feared that the local Chinese service users wouldn’t want to work with an ethnic minority Social Worker like myself. But to my surprise being an Ethnic Minority has its advantages, as the locals are typically very curious about my cultural background, and this became an easy opening to start a working relationship.

I am very proud of being one of the small but growing number of Ethnic Minority social workers in Hong Kong, and to be able to bring about change for our community.”

- Harry, One of Christian Action’s Social Workers

Despair or hope? The world has experienced upheavals of all kinds in recent years, and as a result many people carry a sense of fear and despair about the future. If you know someone like that please encourage them to read my blog. I write my blog to share the hope and magic that I see in so much of what my team is doing and in those whom we serve.

Harry, one of our Social Workers in our Ethnic Minorities program, started out with us as an intern. Born and raised in Hong Kong, he speaks excellent Cantonese and has been serving his community since he was a teenager in Form 4. Carol Lee, who supervised his internship at our Mong Kok Service Centre was impressed by Harry’s dedication and eventually a job offer was extended and Harry joined us.

For the longest time it has been exceedingly difficult for Hong Kong’s Ethnic Minority community to integrate into Hong Kong - but like magic, we are now we are finally witnessing change. Today Ethnic Minority children have role models like Harry, who have higher education degrees, who are giving back to their community and who are a bridge for Hong Kong’s Chinese to learn more about Ethnic Minority cultures!

Let us all break-down language barriers, accept religious and cultural differences and help to shape Hong Kong into a happier, hope-filled and magical society.

Siew Mei

“When an alien lives with you in your land, do not mistreat him. The alien living with you must be treated as one of your native-born. Love him as yourself.” Leviticus 19:33-34a NIV
Getting ready for the mosque visit.