


A Time of Peace!

The challenges of the opportunity to co-manage 8 to 12 orphanages in Qinghai become very intense as we near our year end which in Hong Kong is March.  I recently felt very strongly that it was time we mark this new challenge that God gave to us with a prayer/ dedication service.

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Sweet Sweet Is Thriving!

When my workload gets very heavy, it’s a great encouragement to take a look at the joyful faces of children who were once orphans in our Children’s Homes and who are now happily settled with their very own families.  It really energises me to keep going with the work we do. What a wonderful reminder of God’s goodness when we see the joy these children bring to others!  The little girl you see here is one of those happy children.  Emma Si Tian was left with us when she was a baby. Nichole and Daniel Baker adopted her three years ago. Here’s part of a recent letter from Nichole.

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Joy and Grief

The last few days have been a mixture of happiness and sadness for me.  Happiness of course is light-hearted and soon passes, but joy is deeper and long-lasting.  So even in the midst of my sadness there is joy.  This is what has been happening...

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A Marathon Effort for Our Kids!

I asked you recently to pray for Anna Roberti, who would be running in the NYC Marathon to raise funds for our kids in Qinghai. Well, thank God for answering our prayers!  I’m sending you Anna’s full story to her supporters so this post is twice as long as usual…a marathon run deserves a marathon post!

It reminds us all that with God, our efforts on behalf of others will be blest by Him in ways we may never expect.  Why not ask Him what You can do?

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A Month for Celebrating!

Serving people who are in need has always been our goal and this month Christian Action begins to celebrate its 25th Anniversary!  We sincerely thank God for His guiding hand on this work and ask you to pray with us that CA may continue to see the needs around us and compassionately respond.  The Government of HK encourages us in this aim.

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