


Xining Challenge Week!

Early last month our children at the Xining Children's Home got to enjoy the undivided love and attention of eleven students from Hong Kong’s King George V School.  This month the students put a beautiful two minute video of their trip up on YouTube and it's a must-see!

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Advantage Receiver!

Audrey & Sterling Lum are on my right; Anna Ruberti & Ted, on my left. Pray for Anna as she runs
the NYC Marathon on November 7

Among the many people I met during my recent visit to the U.S., was Sterling Lum and his wife, Audrey. They attend Grace Redeemer Church in Teaneck, New Jersey, and had previously heard about our work in China from Adam Voysey, Christian Action Asia's Director of Development in the U.S.  But after I'd shared much more information about what is being accomplished as we care for the children in Qinghai, Sterling and Audrey decided they had to do something, anything, to tell others about these children. A new idea was born!

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Calls in the Night

Yi Xi is nine years old. Six months and five days ago Yi Xi lost both of her parents to the Yushu earthquake. At night she still calls out to them. Yi Xi and other Yushu orphans are in our Children's Home and we are giving them trauma counseling and all the love that we can. But our staff are stretched to the limit. Please pray, please give, and please seriously consider holding a fundraiser.

Thank you.

Help Yushu Recover

CAA staff in New York City Marathon!

Anna Ruberti, who is working for Christian Action Asia (CAA), is running in the New York City Marathon on Sunday, November 7!  Her letter to friends and family is so encouraging!  I was glad to meet Anna when I was in the U.S recently. Happy 40th Birthday Anna, and may God strengthen you for this marathon event!  We will be praying for you!

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"I can walk, I can walk!"

Muyang, a 7-year-old boy, began his life in Xining Children’s Home in 2003. He was diagnosed with spina bifida, hydrocephalus, congenital talipus equinovarus (a clubfoot) and urinary tract damage due to the spina bifida. That was the medical assessment. My opinion is that he is the most curious, confident, and bright boy you may ever meet. And he is the only person in China who has dared and cared enough to correct my bad Mandarin!

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