A Birthday Gift Multiplied!

Christian Action Arnett Edwards 50th Birthday
Arnett Edwards, Vice-Principal of King George V (KGV) School, didn’t want birthday gifts. Instead, he wanted his 50th Birthday celebrations to be a gift from him! So he asked his friends to make donations before having a boat party and he also placed a donation box at KGV. A total of HK$15,000 was raised from friends and students, all of which Arnett has donated to our Xining Children’s Home.
But his gift wasn’t just the money.
Arnett’s thoughtfulness resulted in the article below appearing in the popular newspapers South China Morning Post, with a readership of 296,000, and the Chinese language paper, Sing Tao Daily, with a readership of 339,000.
Imagine it - that’s a total of 635,000 people hearing about our children in Qinghai!
Publicity is very valuable! Making many more people aware of Christian Action’s work with the orphans of Qinghai can result in many more people supporting this compassionate work.
Will you pray and think about what you can do in the year ahead to raise awareness of the needs of the children on the Tibetan Plateau? Arnett’s many small acts have added up to a great contribution. What small thing can YOU do this year for this great cause?
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