


A Friend Loves At All Times

I've written to you before about the sadness my staff and I feel when one of our children leaves this earth.  But there's another dimension to this loss which we don't always expect to find in a home where many disabled children are barely able to communicate.  It reminds me of how little we may know about what's going on in the minds of children such as this.

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Listening Is Kind!

The Bible reminds us, "Be kind and compassionate..." but we can’t be compassionate unless we listen to people and discover their needs. In our busy whirl of daily activity it’s easy to forget that listening is an important act of kindness.  For our staff, listening is the essential key that opens doors of hope to people like Nimal, a Sri Lankan who escaped the fate of many of his assassinated relatives during the horrors of the recent civil war in his country.

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Saving "Treasure"!

Guo Tong Yi was found in June 2007 when she was less than one year old. Police couldn’t find her parents so she was sent to our Xining Children’s Home.  We found that she had hydrocephalus, which can cause the heads of babies to swell to accommodate excess cerebral spinal fluid.  We took her to Beijing for surgery and Teresa, a wonderful friend of Christian Action, paid for a shunt to be placed in Tong Yi’s head. She then cared for this little infant for a few months after surgery. When Tong Yi recovered, we arranged for her to be cared for by foster parents in Xining for two years.

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When a little thing means a LOT!

The devastation and heartbreak caused by an earthquake is something most of us will never experience, so this week I took our whole management team to see the movie Aftershock, because CA is involved in an earthquake-prone area.  The film about the 1976 Tang Shan earthquake was made in mainland China, and the collapsing buildings reminded me not only of the Yushu earthquake, but also of the block of flats that collapsed earlier this year in Hong Kong.  I think it’s ironic that sometimes we learn the best lessons in the midst of great devastation.

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The Chance To Dream

One of the wonderful things we learn from little children, especially children who have been born with physical challenges, is how amazingly quick they are to take hold of every opportunity they are given. They don’t feel sorry for themselves or lay blame on anyone; they just grab the offer of help and begin to live to their full potential.

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