Young Presidents' Organization Is Impressed!

Young Presidents' Organization representatives and their families brought joy to orphans in our Xining Children's Home earlier this month. They have also promised much needed fundraising help!
The Young Presidents' Organization (YPO) is a not for profit, global network of young chief executives connected around the shared mission of becoming Better Leaders Through Education and Idea Exchange. I took a small group of YPO members to Qinghai in June to show them what Christian Action has been doing as we serve the most vulnerable people in that province.
One of them, Tommy Lee, the incoming Chair of YPO-Pearl River Delta, who came with his wife, Christina and two children, wrote: "It truly was an eye opening experience for me and my family. I went up there with the expectation to see just another NGO orphanage in China. How wrong I was!! I am so impressed with what all of you have done. Not only is the orphanage and rehab center in Xining a world class facility, the local staff and management procedures you have in place at the facility are also impeccable. As Jack put it, 'I am completely blown away'. I am sure with your efforts, your orphanages in other areas will also develop nicely in the future."
Jack Yeung, the incoming-Education Chair of YPO, said: "I was blown away by the world class standard rehab center in Xining and its professional staff. You can see from the children's eyes and smiles that they have received a lot of love and care from CA's staff. The living conditions at the Huangnan Orphanage are excellent and the children are very well trained in tidiness; much better than my kids!"
Tommy Lee also said: "I have been working in China for the last 15 years, and I have seen and helped disadvantaged children in various parts of China. However, what is special about CA's effort is that you are operating in a sensitive area with multi ethnic groups i.e. Han-Chinese, Tibetans, Muslims, etc. Furthermore, the high altitude in Qinghai will deter a lot of people from going there to help. While the economic situation in other parts of China is quickly improving, CA's direction in trying to help in Qinghai is absolutely wonderful. Being Han-Chinese myself, I absolutely believe that we should help other ethnic groups in China. Hopefully our humble efforts will contribute to true harmony between multi ethnic groups in China in the future."
YPO members have committed to serving the children in various ways, including a financial gift from Tommy Lee. Water Cheung, who came with his son, is setting up a website to raise funds for the repair of a school roof that has collapsed. Gold medallist, Li Ning, who circled the arena during the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games last year is now the CEO of a local brand of sportswear in China and will be donating sneakers for the orphans!
Founded in 1950, YPO provides 17,000 peers and their families in 100 countries with access to unique experiences, world class resources, alliances with top learning institutions, and specialized networks that help them enhance their business, community and personal leadership. For more information, visit
You may not get to visit Qinghai yourself, but I'm sure that through the eyes of the YPO team you now get an even better picture of CA's work than you had before! Thank you to YOU for continuing to pray for and support this work.
God bless you,
Siew Mei
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