An Important Question!

In last week's blog I mentioned that a medical team had recently visited our Children's Homes in Qinghai. The BridgeLives Team provided training for our medical and care-giving staff as well as physical examinationss for many of our children including several who have just come out from the Yushu earthquake area. We welcome one of the leaders of that team - Kerry Schottelkorb - to share some thoughts about the trip.
"Sometimes I would like to ask God why he allows poverty, suffering and injustice when He could do something about it."
"Well, why don't you ask Him?"
"Because I'm afraid He would ask me the same question."
This thought provoking conversation has been a constant reminder to me that it is easy to ask difficult questions about the problems in society, and a lot more challenging to be at least part of the solution in helping to answer them. Siew Mei and the Christian Action Team are some of the best examples I know of genuine love and care for the poor, neglected, sick, dying and lonely.
We had the privilege of serving the CA medical teams, caregivers and children for one week last month. However, we received so much more than we gave. Following are the thoughts of Eva Iu, one of the translators on our team, which wonderfully sum up our experience:
"Fourteen of us - doctors, nurses, speech therapist, translators, teachers, and support staff came to Qinghai with one goal in mind - to offer love. We ended up witnessing and receiving love. So much love was displayed by the local doctors, nurses, caregivers and staff! We were humbled by their heart and dedication to the children and thankful for their very warm hospitality.
And the children! I'll always remember their smiles, their energy and their desire to get to know us. I received pure love from them throughout the trip. They do not have family, many are not healthy, but they are loved and happy. Great facilities, dedicated staff, happy children. But more support is needed."
More support is needed. Siew Mei and her team have shown us that we should ask each other what we can do to stop poverty, suffering, disease and pain. We can start by supporting Christian Action. Please consider a sacrificial financial gift for the children of Qinghai today. There are still thousands of orphans waiting to be rescued and Christian Action continues to improve care for the children they currently serve.
Thank you Eva and the entire BridgeLives Team and a very special thanks to Siew Mei and Christian Action for teaching us how to respond to the hard questions!
Kerry Schottelkorb
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