An example of courage

We can learn a great deal from children, and little Leah’s life is a powerful lesson. She teaches us about facing terrible obstacles with courage and then overcoming them with joy! Her story is not only an encouragement to amputees and those who face similar circumstances, but I believe it will also encourage you, so I’m sharing it with you. Whatever your difficulties today, let Leah give you courage to persevere and to find joy and peace in overcoming those difficulties. Here are some extracts from a letter written by Leah's adoptive parents:
It will soon be a year since Leah came to us, but it feels as if she has been with us since she was born. Because she is so well adjusted and happy it’s hard for us to believe that this child, not yet 4 years old, has already had so many transitions in her life! It is very evident by watching Leah that Christian Action’s Xining Children’s Home and Blue Sky Healing Home in Beijing were obviously excellent places in which to be cared for.
She is doing incredibly well with the birth defect that affected her right foot and ankle. Two doctors said that an amputation was the only option for her due to the severity of the defect, and we are confident that it was the right decision. The procedure was done in November, just after Leah’s 3rd birthday, and since then she has amazed all of us with her will and determination!
She got her first prosthesis at the end of December, and literally took off, walking without looking back! We’ve had a few adjustments to the prosthesis since then and some physical therapy to get her balance and strength where it needs to be, and now she runs and walks with barely a limp, if any. When she has pants on to cover the leg, no one would ever guess she wears a prosthesis. Everyone has been very impressed with her progress.
Leah loves playing dress-up, dancing, singing, riding bikes and scooters, to name just a few of her favourite things. She has taken a Chinese Immersion Story Time class and has begun pre-school. She loves, and is loved, by her two big sisters; they all have such a special bond! She is stunningly beautiful, very smart, and makes us laugh as well! We just love her beyond what words could express!
We are truly grateful to all of the people who had a hand in who our daughter is today. We feel very blessed to know that there are people on the other side of the world that have known and cared for our daughter. We will be forever thankful to all of you!
YOU are one of the people who has had a hand in who Leah is today! Your financial and prayerful support enables us to continue helping children like Leah. So be encouraged and joyful as you continue to encourage others!
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