An open Invitation to all churches

Christian Action relies on churches to partner with us to tell the poorest people in Hong Kong the good news of the gospel. The children particularly need to build lasting relationships with Christians because the world of the poor is characterized by shortages: of attention, of time, of money and of space. Partnering with Christian Action is a way to serve the poor, just as Jesus did.
The children responded wholeheartedly at a summer camp held by one of our long-time partners, the Manna Ministry of International Christian Assembly, a church serving the international community in Hong Kong. Here's some of the feedback from Pastor So Kam Gee after Vacation Bible School, held at our Mong Kong Centre for New Arrivals.
More than 35 Primary aged children joined us (ICA and CA) for a five day English Bible Camp. They sang songs about standing strong in Jesus. We stimulated their imagination by playing fun science games. They also learned about the importance of family and friends in the Chadder’s Kingdom Quest session. Prayer was also a topic of discussion. It was a wonderful opportunity for our volunteers to satisfy these children’s curiosity. The children were wide eyed as they questioned the volunteers. We could see that they long to have a relationship with their Creator, the One who made them. It was amazing to see just how pure their hearts are.
It was a wonderful week, learning English and enjoying a variety of adventures under the main theme, Kingdom Rock. They spent the entire week singing the song “We will stand strong” along with the actions. The song itself had a message to stand strong in Jesus, which had a huge impact on the hearts of the children.
“Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for such is the kingdom of God. Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it.”, said Jesus in the Book of Mark 10:13 – 16. This was echoed in the book of Matthew and Luke. It is very clear that Jesus not only values children, by He also values their faith.
Thank you again for giving us this opportunity to serve.
I’m so excited that Manna Ministry is planning to repeat this summer school next year! If you are a youth or children’s church leader based in Hong Kong and would like to get involved with vulnerable children in Hong Kong, please contact me!
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