Sharing Happiness

Last week was one of really special celebrations! Yes, the Lunar New Year is the most important holiday in China, and I spent it with my friends and loved ones, including a special Malaysian meal at my home with the Christian Action team from China. But that's not the only special celebration I want to tell you about - this one is a miracle!
It's a miracle that eight year old Ji spent the holidays with 'family'. Born with congenital heart disease, he came to live with us at Xining Children's home when he was a tiny baby, struggling to survive. His condition was so serious, there were no doctors in Qinghai knowledgeable enough to treat him...
This year he will be spending the Chinese New Year holidays with his 'family'!
When he came to us, much prayer and several introductions provided an opportunity for Ji to have heart surgery in Shanghai. After that, he spent the next year in Beijing having post-operative care to build up his strength and stamina. Then he returned to Xining Children’s Home where his ‘mama’s’ (the childcare workers) looked after him. They followed a very specialized regimen without which Ji would not have survived. He was a very sick little boy indeed!
A year later, there was another significant step forward for Ji. He was strong enough to be placed in foster care. The next two years were very difficult for his foster mama - Ji didn’t sleep well, and neither did she. But because of her dedication and meticulous care, Ji's health gradually improved. She said: "Ji was once admitted to hospital with a fever, and I went to the hospital to visit him every morning and evening in case he cried. During that time, we really missed him because he was an important part of us!"
Ji will be going to Hong Kong after Chinese New Year for further surgery which will improve his mobility. He is a tough, independent little boy who rarely admits he needs help, or that he is in pain. This surgery should take him to a new level of independence.
Whether you celebrate the traditions of the Lunar New Year or not, perhaps you would consider fulfilling one of the main customs of the season: 'share your happiness and prosperity with the receiver'. You can do this by giving a traditional 'red packet' which will help us care for hundreds more boys and girls, who need the care - and happiness - that Ji has received.
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