Living in Transition

Moving house is quite traumatic for most of us - especially if it is from one country to another. We are neither here nor there - most of our possessions are in transit, and for weeks it feels as if we too are in transit.
Imagine then the trauma of those who have lived 'in transit' for up to 10 years. There was no farewell party, and their destination is unknown. That describes every refugee and asylum seeker.
Preparing those in transit for the next stage of their lives is vitally important. The British Council has partnered with Christian Action for the last five years to make the transition period less traumatic by equipping refugees and asylum seekers for the next stage of their lives.
'Transitions' is a literacy and English language learning programme started by the British Council. Eighty to a hundred students undergo a literacy assessment by a fully qualified teacher before being placed in a class appropriate for their level of English. There are also classes for people who have never learnt to read and write! The teachers are wonderful volunteers.
The Ed Arts programme was recently introduced as a new initiative, providing art classes as a platform for language learning. The British Council provide facilities, a part time programme co-coordinator, volunteer teachers and materials. The only expense not covered is transport money to and from British Council premises in Admiralty.
Relationships are being built during the classes, and the wounds sustained during life threatening situations and the trauma of fleeing home, are being healed.
Recently Christian Action and the British Council held a fundraiser called 'Connect with Ed Arts', to cover transportation costs. Our goal was to raise HK$62 000 of the HK$100, 000 needed for the next twelve months. We were overjoyed to meet 85% of our target through ticket sales, donations and a silent auction of art pieces produced by the art students, all of them protection claimants. Around 150 people enjoyed the art exhibition and a variety of performing arts including a capella singing, folk worship, stand up comedy, a short skit, African drumming, and a variety of singers, including a song about refugees and asylum seekers, written and sung by a very talented 13 year old!
We still need HK$47 000 to fully cover transportation costs. If you would like to support refugees in some way, then this great initiative gives you the opportunity to do so now.
Thank you!
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