Double Jeopardy

All legal residents of Hong Kong enjoy the excellent subsidised national healthcare available to those of us who have employment. But what happens to those without employment is often heart-rending and in some cases, grossly unjust.
Soon after Maria began working, she became increasingly ill and doctors discovered that she had cervical cancer. Surgery followed, but Maria was forced to quit her treatment regime after her employment contract was terminated.
It was a classic case of double jeopardy: no job, no health care.
Maria contacted Christian Action, and we managed to secure some basic medical treatment for her. During that time, she was too weak to climb the stairs leading to our shelter (there is no lift) so four kind women in the shelter, who are now her ‘sisters’, carried her up and down the stairs.
A final blow soon followed. Doctors told Maria that the cancer had spread throughout her body, and she was no longer responding to treatment.
Maria appeared to be well and actively participated in our interest classes. She learnt to bake and to do various arts and crafts before she returned to her home in Indonesia. She said, "I didn't expect anyone to help me when I was sick and needed a place to recover. I just wanted to return to Indonesia once my employer rejected me after my surgery. It's not a coincidence that someone introduced me to CA. You helped me so much and lifted up my spirit! Even though the staff were not my friends or my relatives, you all showed me sincere love. I don’t know how to repay you".
Maria is now spending her last days with her family.
To respond to increasing demand and to cater for foreign domestic helpers who fall ill and suffer some physical disability, we are now planning to open a third shelter with a lift.
Your donations to this worthwhile cause will go a long way towards righting this shameful injustice in our society.
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