No Happy Ending

It was a perfect little family picture: Dad going off to work on his motorbike; waving goodbye to his wife, 3-year-old daughter, and baby son. Treacherous mountain passes and poor roads wrote the end to that happy little family story.
Gong, the baby boy, is now a socially awkward 12-year-old. He's of an age when a little bonding time with dad, playing a game and talking about the overwhelming things in life, is enough to get over this stage. Unfortunately Gong doesn't have the privilege of hanging out with his dad, because the road conditions in remote and undeveloped Guolou prefecture had ended his life.

after his surgery
Seven years later, the after effects of the tragedy claimed the life of Gong's mother who could no longer cope without her husband. Gong and his sister lived with their elderly grandfather until 2012, when they were finally admitted to Guolou Children's Home.
Gong has had a lot to deal with in his young life. Yet he is a hard working student and resident at the children's home. He is eager to please, and strives to prove himself. But social workers are deeply concerned as they struggle to reach the young orphan's heart. Their concerns are deepened by his current state of health.
Gong was plagued by chest pains earlier this year, and doctors discovered that he had pleurisy. Breathing had become painful. Christian Action arranged for emergency surgery in May 2014, which gave Gong great relief. The doctors found that Gong was also suffering from Hydronephrosis - water on the kidneys. As soon as he was sufficiently recovered from the first operation, a second surgical procedure took place in September 2014.
Now he's back at Goulou Children's Home and social workers are watching Gong closely to monitor his recovery and most importantly, his overall emotional health.
I'm writing this because I want to ask you all to pray for him. Gong is a vulnerable boy who has not only experienced tremendous emotional suffering in his short life, but has also endured a lot of physical pain and suffering - all of it without the comforting love of his mother and father. Will you pray please?
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