Best Birthday Gift

Birthdays are a time of remembering, so even when our children have left the children's home, we still send them birthday greetings. None of our children will ever have reason to think that they have been forgotten by us after they have moved to be with a forever family.
When I recently received a reply from one of our adoptive parents, I simply had to share it with you! Enjoy...
Kilyan Wei is now 11 years old
My son, Kilyan Wei from the Xining Children's Home, was so touched to receive a birthday card from you today! He told me that was the best birthday gift he could receive. We are planning on bringing him back for a visit in about 4 years, when he is a little older. He is now about to turn 11 years old. Despite many operations (we lost track - around 20), he is a very healthy and happy boy. He loves his cat, Leo, and playing with his 2 brothers and 2 sisters, and hiking with his dad and brothers. Kilyan Wei earns high grades in the gifted and talented program at school and hopes to be a history teacher some day. He is wonderful & patient with children!
Best news of all is that Kilyan Wei has decided to be a follower of Jesus Christ. He has a desire to share the love of God in China some day!
We are so thankful for the wonderful start in life he was blessed with at Xining Children's Home and also by his foster family. Because of the love his foster family shared with him, we noticed how it helped him bond with us. He understood what a family was, he understood love. As a result, we began fostering children 5 years ago, adopting our two younger children after fostering them for 2.5 years.
My dream has always been to have our children return to the land of their birth, and work alongside me as we share God's love. Additionally, what a blessing it was for us to discover that God uses Christian Action in ways and places we could never imagine! I'm delighted that Kilyan's adopted family has fostered and adopted two children after realizing how beneficial fostering had been for Kilyan himself.
As Christmas comes upon us, the news that Kilyan Wei has decided to follow Christ has been a wonderful gift to us at Christian Action. Please keep praying that all our children will know the love and joy of knowing Jesus, the Prince of Peace.
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