We Have Gifts

The Bible says that God has given us a wide variety of gifts and talents and I know that we are happiest when we are able to use those gifts. Sometimes they are obvious and at other times we need to encourage hidden talents in others so that a man or woman feels fulfilled in their everyday lives.
In Christian Action it gives us great pleasure to see people freed to use their gifts and talents even though they must earn their living in monotonous jobs like those of a domestic helper...
Arti has always known she was creative. She loves baking and hasn’t yet found any kind of handicraft she doesn’t enjoy. She came to live at Christian Action’s shelter for domestic workers in February this year while her case is pending at the Labour Tribunal. Arti eagerly joined every activity we had on offer, including dance classes, Cantonese lessons, beadwork, and cooking classes. She also enrolled in every outing we organised, and actively engaged in group discussion classes and empowerment activities. It wasn’t long before she was identified as a gifted leader in our midst.
Beading is one area where Arti has really proved herself, not only as an artist, but also as a leader and educator. Noting Arti’s attention to detail, her beadwork teacher, a Christian Action volunteer, asked Arti if she would help make100 souvenir charms, supplying Arti with all the materials. Eager for the experience, and ready for the challenge, within three days, Arti had completed this assignment. The quality of Arti's work was so impressive that 300 additional charms were requested. Undaunted Arti rounded up all the other ladies in the shelter to help her, and they got to work. Her leadership skills and ability to motivate her peers really stood out!
Whenever Christian Action hosts events, we enlist Arti’s help with co-ordination, especially in the baked goods department. Christian Action is able to save thousands of dollars on snacks because of Arti and her peers. They truly give a gift of love.
Because of the skills she has been able to use through Christian Action, Arti is dreaming about returning to Indonesia, and starting her own bakery. She has visions of training the women in her village and starting a co-op.
There's no gift more valuable than the gift of hope, so we are thrilled that through our efforts Arti now has hopes and dreams - and we will continue to do all we can to ensure she achieves those dreams!
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