Mental Health Matters

Today is United Nations International Youth Day 2014. The theme for this year 'Youth and Mental Health' and their slogan 'Mental Health Matters' couldn't be more appropriate for little Yan...
Twelve-year-old *Yan has a deep love for animals and has always dreamed of being a veterinarian. Unfortunately she has a learning disability, and schoolwork is a daily struggle. As young as she is, Yan knows she must say goodbye to her dream.

Having lost hope in her future, Yan became increasingly depressed, and withdrew more and more from her community. Had she been left unaided her depression may have developed into a more serious mental health issue. Thanks to the Child Development Fund programme, this has been avoided! Two years ago Yan enrolled in the programme and we matched her with a suitable mentor, *Mrs. Lau.
Mrs. Lau quickly realized that Yan's self-confidence was at rock bottom. She believed she would never amount to anything. Mrs. Lau quickly found ways of correcting this misconception. First they dealt with all the negative emotions Yan had stored up within herself. Then they started working on alternative plans for a career. Yan has now realized that life is all about choices and for her there are still many opportunities related to pet care. She could be a vet’s assistant, a professional pet groomer or even a dog trainer.
Through the CDF programme, Yan has learnt to accept her strengths and work on her weaknesses. More importantly she has learned to accept those around her. She is now working on her personal development plan, while at the same time actively participating in her community. One day Yan will be a positive role model to others in a similar position.
Thank you for standing alongside us as we support Yan and others like her who face many more challenges than we did. It’s our responsibility now to ensure that they are not derailed by today's challenges.
*Names have been changed to protect their identity.
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