As You Sow, So Shall You Reap

The truth of that ancient proverb from the Bible is evident in the lives of some of the 47 children living at Guolou Children's Home. Guolou is in one of the most remote places on earth, which a harsh climate and environment. Children lose their parents prematurely, or are abandoned by parents who can no longer cope with the stress.
The way adults behave is often reflected in a child's attention-getting behavior. You are helping us help such children in the remoteness of Guolou.
Recently two young sisters were admitted to Guolou Children’s Home. At first their behavior was impeccable, but it wasn't long before they became impossible to manage. They were disruptive and created havoc among the rest of the children. Caregivers regularly found the walls covered with their scribbles, and pages torn out of their schoolbooks. Sometimes one of the sisters had to be removed from where she had climbed onto a high perch. The girls’ behavior was most concerning because they were not only a danger to themselves, but also to the other children.
Christian Action’s social workers were able to train the caregivers on how to manage this disruptive behavior, which was probably the result of the girls feeling abandoned by parents, and neglected by extended family or community members who were unable to invest the time and energy needed to raise a child in a stable environment.
This type of behavior is commonly seen in children’s homes, and most caregivers are not equipped to manage behavioural disorders which are usually the result of abandonment and neglect. Once children are settled and feeling secure, many become reluctant to return to their community or extended family for the holidays. Caregivers have noticed that children regularly return to the Children’s Home looking much thinner and not as healthy as when they left for the holidays.
Christian Action is grateful to now have a presence at the Home, offering training in childcare best practice and how to deal with the problems associated with abandonment and neglect.
With your support, we can make a difference in the lives of vulnerable children in Qinghai!
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