Operation: Now!

The vast majority of almost 6,000,000 people live in utter poverty in Qinghai. They live without adequate services and have little access to basic needs. How others can advocate on our behalf as we serve these unfortunate people was the focus of our recent vision sharing dinner.
Over 100 guests came to hear how they, as likeminded professionals, could partner with us as we serve the children entrusted to us in Qinghai. Guests included ministry leaders from ten Hong Kong international and local churches as well as other potential partners. Our hope is that they will be part of recruiting those who feel called to serve our children in Qinghai as medical professionals, teachers, business leaders, etc.
The theme of the evening 'Operation: Now' highlighted the present opportunities and current open door to tangibly serve in the name and the love of Christ.
Thanks to generous donors, we were able to raise over HK$700,000 towards our work in Qinghai! This generosity was largely due to the contagious passion of our current partners who shared their connection with Qinghai. Bob Van Zandt and Don Hampton of Son Gear in the U.S spoke to the dinner guests about their visit with us to Qinghai in September. It was Don's first trip to Qinghai. Perhaps the highlight of the evening was seeing our most recently adopted little ones, Rose and Madeline. They were adopted by families in Hong Kong and are a true testimony to the transforming work that God is doing through Christian Action.
Please continue to pray, as we long to see more professionals join our team of servants in Qinghai.
”The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.” (Matt 9:37)
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