Waiting Expectantly!

On the Christian calendar, this is the season of Advent - a time of waiting; of anticipating and then celebrating the birth of Jesus. For us at Christian Action it is also a time of waiting… awaiting news of our future location.
As many of you know, our headquarters at New Horizons Building was slated for future demolition. The land will be reallocated for government usage. Without a home, our services to the community will not continue. I'm unsure of what the future holds, but I continually pray that God will give our family a fresh vision for the future.
Christmas is a time where people get together with loved ones and friends, and I'm grateful for my Christian Action family. On December 2nd we kicked off the festive celebrations in Hong Kong with our annual staff Christmas party. These 260 dedicated men and women continually serve our society with such passion and perseverance, and I'm honoured to stand beside each one of them.
Whatever our future holds, personally and as the family of Christian Action, may we continue to keep our eyes focused on Jesus, who came into our world to serve us all in the giving of His life so that we might have life eternal. That's an excellent future! He is faithful!
From our Christian Action family to yours, we hope you all have a very happy Christmas!
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