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An Amazing Child

It brings such a deep joy to my heart when I think of what a great support you all have been as you have prayed and given generously to the work of Christian Action. Your help enabled us to care for children such as this beautiful little girl, Qiu Han, now lovingly named Lilli.

Lilli lived in Xining Children’s Home until she was two years old, and it was then that Diana and Tim Hume met her and loved her. For a little child to know the love of a forever family is something that no amount of our services could provide.

The Hume’s were elated when Lilli went to live with them in Washington State in 2011. 
Here is a the most recent update that Diana sent to me about our precious little one:

Hello everyone at Christian Action. I wanted you to know that Lilli was so excited to get the Birthday Card from you. I want to let you know that Lilli is doing so well. She is one of the top students in her class, almost always getting 100% on spelling and math exams. She is also a designated computer helper in her class.

Lilli started piano lessons in January, and her teacher is amazed at the speed and quality with which she learns the music. She is truly amazing!

This summer, Lilli will participate in Dance Camp and Soccer Camp, play with friends, and go camping with all of us. She continues to be a very loving person and showers us daily with tokens of that love like notes, hugs, kisses, and snuggles.

She is such a joy to have in our family---I’m not sure what I would do without her!

Many blessings to you all,

I pray that in the years to come there would be more families stepping out in faith to adopt these little ones, because the love of parents makes such a difference in the lives of little children.

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