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Putting on a Bash!

The Mid-Autumn festival on the Chinese calendar is a time for celebrating! It's a time for families to come together, have a feast, and generally enjoy having fun together.

For those families with a low or no income, the festival is a challenging time. How can they celebrate the "harvest" when so little is coming in? What makes it worse is that in Hong Kong those families are surrounded by wealth and extravagance.

At Christian Action, we decided that even these families should be given the opportunity to enjoy the light magic of the festival, so we put on a bash for some of our low income and newly arrived children.

The festivities took place on September 22nd and 23rd at Royal Pacific Hotel and the Gold Coast Hotel and included lanterns, snacks, activities and of course - mooncakes!

One child, Nannam, was completely blown away by the environment. She lives in Kai Yip estate with her family. Her father has chronic health problems and cannot work so the family must rely on their mother to provide all their needs.

Little things like this make a big impact in the long run. By introducing God's love to these needy families, we pray by faith that the love of God will grow in their hearts, offering hope to the poor and disadvantaged families in our society.

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