Connecting the Called

Our work in Qinghai has continued to expand, and so has the demand for quality professionals to staff our programmes. Additionally, we pray for generous hearts to support the work on the frontlines. We have always welcomed highly skilled people to utilize their expertise for the benefit of the most vulnerable.
In December, when Marlon and I traveled to the UK to meet our Christian Action UK Board we also connected with potential partners, and were gladly welcomed by many churches, individuals and organisations. As you can imagine, the schedule was packed, but I never tire of igniting a passion in others for the children of Qinghai.
There was a multitude of significant highlights, one being our visit to Liverpool Chinese Gospel Church (my home church in the 1980s during my time in the UK!). The church warmly responded to our call to serve God and many were eager to visit Qinghai.
In addition, the Mainland Chinese and university student congregations of Manchester Chinese Church were very moved by how we are ministering to their people. The pastor pledged to financially support any of their young people who were willing to serve in Qinghai! Praise God!
The Chinese Overseas Christian Mission also committed to linking Chinese Churches in the UK and to encouraging them to send their workers abroad, particularly young people. And even more exciting, they hope to connect Christian Action to mainland students who have accepted Christ in the UK and have now returned to China. They want to encourage them to serve the poor with us in Qinghai.
Isn't the global family of God amazing? We praise Him for such wonderful connections. He is such a fantastic orchestrator! We look forward to welcoming anyone who believes he or she has been called by God to serve in Qinghai!
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