Speaking of the Past...

Since I started having this blog site in 2009, I have told you many stories about the abandoned children who have been helped in our Qinghai Children's Home.
One of those stories was about Eric, a child who had cerebral palsy...

exceptional massage skills on
one of the attendees
Some of you joined the Friends of Qinghai Children Programme, and you have been our friends and long-term supporters, making regular monthly donations to Christian Action.
Two weeks ago some of our partners came together at our headquarters, and we were able to tell them face-to-face about the latest developments in Qinghai. Some of those who work with the children in Qinghai were also personally able to share their experiences of serving our children.
It was a special thrill to have with us Eric, an 18 year-old who had grown up in our Xining Children's Home, suffering from cerebral palsy. Eric told our partners about his rehabilitation process after two surgical procedures last year. It was very special to see him demonstrating his exceptional massage skills on one of the attendees! All of us were deeply moved by Eric's determination to persevere and use his abilities instead of focusing on his disability. He is now living in the Social Welfare Institute.
I hope that you are able to extend your love to the orphans in Qinghai and join our Friends of Qinghai Children Programme. Your monthly donation will help offer hope to orphans in distress.
May God bless you all!
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