Fact, not Fiction!

For most people, Easter is no more than a holiday break; bunnies and eggs, family and food. For Christians worldwide it's a reminder of the events that took place 2,000 years ago: the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ.
When the Easter candle is lit, I'll be remembering the huge stone rolled away, the empty tomb, and then Jesus, speaking to His followers, reminding them that He told them this would happen. God had raised Him from the dead on the third day after the death and burial of Jesus.
We have shared the story of Eric with you a few times. This friend of ours, who suffers from cerebral palsy, was a young kid who grew up in our Xining Children's Home. He could not walk on his own, so he underwent surgery twice in Hong Kong last year to correct his legs. He then received post-op rehabilitation which complemented the surgeries and further enhanced his walking ability. The entire process was not easy.
With admirable determination to persevere, Eric has been improving his walking ability, and since last year, he can now take a few steps on his own with the use of crutches. It truly comforts my heart to have witnessed Eric's progress over the past year. I'm also happy that Eric's been with us in Hong Kong during his rehab treatment. He has just returned to Xining, and will have further rehab training. Stay tuned for updates on Eric's future progress!
When I read my Bible the words of Jesus to a lame man remind me of Eric: "Get up, take up your mat and walk". That man who had been a beggar for many years got up and walked. Because we follow Jesus, we too help people like Eric. That's what the work of Christian Action is all about!
Easter may mean bunnies and eggs for some, but the death and resurrection of Jesus is the truth, so we follow His example as we help others like Eric.
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