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Food for All

There is more than enough food for everyone in Hong Kong, but the stark fact is that poverty and rising food prices mean that some residents here just cannot afford it. This is ironic for Hong Kong where property prices are always top of the world's ranking list!

Recently Christian Action started an initiative to help feed the poor, at least in our part of the city.

Relentless hunger weakens one's mind and the motivation to work. Our aim is to meet both the physical and the spiritual needs of the disadvantaged groups living around us, so Christian Action has recently launched a meal programme in collaboration with Rotary Club of Hong Kong Bayview.

At 6 pm on every weekday until June 30, meal boxes will be given to those who meet our criteria for the Meal Programme. New Horizons Building (NHB) is a meeting place where various people in need come for a service, so the programme will be in that location.

We have been gathering resources and support to alleviate hunger for the most vulnerable people among us, so the Meal Programme springs from our top-down vision of serving the left-behind. People are starving, so we will feed them.

We also aim to preserve the dignity of those who come to us for food. Instead of buying food, we have partnered with an NGO which is providing surplus food from the catering industry free of charge. It means that we are 'rescuing' food which would otherwise become landfill. We are arranging the man-power and the transportation to collect, sort and store the donated excess food, so that it is freshly served on a daily basis. Most importantly, we know that the surplus food will be safe to eat and is not off the plates of consumers in restaurants.

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