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International Children's Day

I hope that what we are doing
in Qinghai would bless the children
in need

June 1 is International Children's Day, but the orphans in China usually lack the joy that all children deserve. I believe we must give our orphaned children in Qinghai even more fun than those who have parents. It is so important for the children to know that they are not alone in this world.

In late May, our kids in Haixi Children's Home received their Children's Day gifts. The gifts included transparent plastic buckets, Mickey Mouse toothbrushes, and telescopes. The children had fun with their transparent buckets in a gardening activity that aimed to highlight the care of our environment.

Additionally, to coincide with the arrival of the Dragon Boat Festival, our Qinghai staff taught the boys how to make miniature dragon boats. The girls learned how to make festive handicrafts. A drawing class in the afternoon added more fun for the kids.

Showing off the bracelets they made

Two adopted returnees from our "Back to Serve" programme, Abigail and Bingjie, also brought joy and fun to the kids in Hainan Children's Home. Our children there had even prepared a variety show to celebrate International Children's Day as well as the fourth anniversary of the foundation of their Home. I saw pictures of children performing and I was so impressed with the versatility and talents that the kid showed on the stage. Abigail and Bingjie set an exceptional example of bringing God's grace to those in need.

Every time I hear our children in Qinghai call me "Zhang Ma Ma", I am so moved that my heart melts. The smiles of the children are a precious reward for all our efforts to care for them. Thank you for your support as we continue to love and care for each precious child.

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