'Gospel' To The Patients

by Song Fangji to the QWCH
Song Fangji had a cleft lip and palate, and was recently referred by the Qinghai Social Workers Association to the Cornerstone and Qinghai Welfare Charity Hospital (QWCH) for medical treatment. We began coordinating with Cornerstone in 2015. Following his successful surgery, Fangji expressed his gratitude in a letter, part of which is included here.
"I was so moved by the professionalism and care showed by the medical staff of the surgery department during my short-term stay in QWCH after the operation. In particular, I am grateful for the fact that Dean of the Hospital Mr Zhang Yongguo, Director Liu Shuying, and Director Wang Lijun, agreed to waive the majority of my medical expenses at QWCH due to my economic situation. The QWCH medical staff are indeed "gospel" to the patients at the hospital.
Song Fangji presented
this flag of gratitude to QWCHBesides, I would like to thank Dr Tao Ronggang, for explaining the details of my condition to me during my stay at QWCH. His precious advice was very much appreciated. Dr Tao treated his patients as if they were his family members. His words always comforted me. My thanks also go to the nurses who took care of me days and nights.
A simple "thank you" is not enough. I have so many people to thank that I could not mention them all here. On behalf of my whole family, I want to express sincere thanks to QWCH and its medical team, the hospital management and all medical staff..."
The gospel, or 'good news' of God's love is what we share with the local Qinghai government and other charitable organizations, and we pray we can continue to help transform the lives of the needy and unlock their potential to become self-reliant.
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