Celebrating 20 Years in Qinghai!

It's hard to believe that for 20 years Christian Action has been caring for handicapped children and demonstrating God's love in such a remote place on the Tibetan Plateau! That significant milestone demanded a celebration, so we had a special luncheon with ministry workers, pastors, and faithful partners of Christian Action.
The event was a time to reflect on the significance of these years, to celebrate all the ways in which God has moved in Qinghai, and to dream of an even greater future for the children who still need our love and care.
The afternoon brought many beautiful moments. Some of our supporters told the gathering how their trip to Qinghai allowed them to see the hand of God in the expanse of the work from its humble beginnings.
One of the special times was when Bingjie and Abigail, both of whom were adopted, returned to Qinghai to be part of our Back to Serve Programme. There were tears as each of them remembered the difficulties of their past and spoke of the hope and the happy future that CA gave them during their time in the Children's Home. They were powerful testimonies.
We closed with a strong call to help CA continue this great service by supporting our work in the years ahead. We are thankful for supporters who have agreed to move into an unknown future, trusting in God's plan for these little children and for the Qinghai community.
Friends from the U.S. have offered a US$50,000 (HK$390,000) matching challenge to celebrate this anniversary. I pray you will financially support our work, so that your gift for the children we serve will double in value. Seeds of faith have been sown, and I am filled with trust that God will grow them by His mighty hand in the coming 20 years!
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