A Big Thank You to Christian Action UK Board Members and Supporters
It was with mixed emotions that Marlon and I caught up with Christian Action UK Board Members during my visit to the UK. CAUK became a registered charity in 2007 through the selfless hard work of former Hong Kong Board Members and supporters who had returned to the UK. They have devoted years of their life to raising awareness and donations for the orphaned, handicapped and abandoned children in Qinghai Province and they have decided that it is now time to close. They have done a stellar job, and I am forever grateful to them.
Although building and sustaining a high-functioning governing body is arduous, time-consuming work, I am glad to say that all the trustees agreed it was worth the effort. Like all good things, it had to come to an end, and the changing political climate and global needs served to make this an appropriate time to do so.
As part of our closure, we made a point of visiting Neil Harding and his wife, Ruth. Neil was our first paid staff member for CAUK who was busy organizing events and making foundation applications for CAUK. We always cherish Neil who is now 90 years old. Words could not express my gratitude to all the UK Board Members and their spouses who have worked so hard and shared CA’s vision with churches and anyone who cared to listen.
I wanted to thank Nigel Oakes, Tony Crawshaw, Julian Myrans, Alan Cheung, Julian Walsh, Mark Brooks and Susie Perkins for holding the fort until the very end. They have fulfilled this scripture “to have fought a good fight, to have finished the race, and have kept the faith”. 2 Timothy 4:7. Thank you for your perseverance and continuing, even when the road has been hard.
To everyone that has served on the UK Board, I salute you. My trip to the UK wrapped up nicely, for I was able to deliver my heartfelt appreciation to the Trustees and to St. Andrew’s and St. Bartholomew’s Church who prayed and supported us for so many years. In the Lord’s economy, when one door closes, another door will open. Nigel Oakes and Anthony Charter will continue to be advocates for Qinghai’s children’s homes through their churches, for the needs are still many. I believe God has greater things in store for CA, for His words say “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” – Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)
Siew Mei