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TAL Apparel Ltd. Sends Our Kids to Infinity and Beyond!

TAL Apparel Limited is a very special company. Eight weeks ago TAL and 13 of their volunteers generously sponsored a visit to the Hong Kong Space Museum for 21 children from our Mong Kok Service Centre. All of the children are from low-income families and would likely never have been able to visit the Museum were it not for TAL’s kindness!

One of the children who attended was Bobby, a Primary 4 student, whose family never had funds for family outings. In the past Bobby had borrowed books on space from the library, but never imagined he’d get the chance to visit the Space Museum. All of that changed one day when he saw a flyer about the outing from the Mong Kok Service Centre. Bobby was so excited that he signed up immediately!

On July 17 2023, 21 of our children began their adventure with a 3D Dome Show to explore the secrets of the farthest planets in our Solar System through Voyager 1 and Voyager 2. They learned about the latest developments of the James Webb Space Telescope and even got a chance to look through the telescope's lens at nearby stars, the entire Milky Way, and a number of distant galaxies. The children were completely captivated by all they saw and were continually making ‘Ooooh!’ and ‘Ahhhh!’ Sounds!

Sometimes we ask how we can act with kindness. TAL understood the situation and responded to the 21 children whose families could not pay a participation fee to the museum. Being kind is not that difficult or expensive; we only need to act when it is called for, as Jesus teaches us "Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ." (Galatians 6:2 NIV).

To explore how you or your company can sponsor our at-risk children and families, please email to or contact Ms. Wing Ko at +852-2456-2220. To donate please click here.

Thank you and God bless you!
Siew Mei

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