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Aili’s Story

Aili was 5 years old when an agricultural machine severely fractured his right palm. Instantly, he lost all feelings in his palm, with two of the fingers in a twisted position. At the Xinjiang provincial hospital, the parents were horrified to learn that the hospital lacked the right equipment to perform a phalanx fracture procedure. Treatment elsewhere was beyond reach for this desperate family.

The good news in Aili’s story is that thanks to supporters like you, who had already been donating to Christian Action’s China Programme, and thanks to a fundraiser for Aili, we were able to fly him to Shanghai, where his fingers were successfully re-aligned!

Earlier this year, I got to travel to Xinjiang and have the lovely pleasure of meeting Aili and his parents. He looked shy but was obviously excited to see us. After he got familiar with us, he even offered to serve food and coffee at the buffet lunch. He said he was distraught that if he didn’t have the surgery, he would for sure become a ‘cripple’ and an outcast, and that no one would play with him. He was grateful and said that he would study hard and hoped to help others in the future, just like Christian Action.

I too hope that we can continue to help needy children who require complicated surgery like Aili, and I pray that they will be blessed by God as they heal and grow. Please join us and commit to supporting Christian Action's China Programme to assist underprivileged children.

Thank you.
Siew Mei

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