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A Fundamental Truth

There are few things in life that compare to the blessing of having gainful employment. The lack of gainful employment is what leaves the unemployed and underemployed often feeling crushed, unseen and worthless. But with the right job that very same person’s enjoyment of life, their sense of self-worth, their contribution to their family, and their immediate community, all blossom. At Christian Action, we have seen this fundamental truth play out thousands upon thousands of times. And with each and every person we help, we use that experience to inform how we help the next person.

Christian Action plays a unique and critical role in the fabric of Hong Kong. We assist everyone from young, IT-savvy, school leavers who despair at the seeming lack of relevant, gainful jobs, to older workers who feel that life has passed them by and that the changing job market has relegated them to the sidelines.

On June 20, 2024, we held a job fair at CAC Headquarters for the property management and security, catering, retail, and social service industries. Two of the attendees were Joseph and Ben. They had recently graduated with associate degrees, but with no work experience to their credit, all of their online job applications seemed to fall on deaf ears. At the job fair Joseph and Ben received counseling from HR professionals who helped them identify their strengths and weaknesses, and examine their areas of interest to see what position would be a better fit for them.

Another job fair attendee was Aunty Li, who approached our HR table after browsing different companies’ advertisements and submitted her resume. For candidates in their 50s or older, job hunting can be a demoralizing, and it usually takes far more searching to find the right fit. By attending the Fair in person Aunty Li was able to get face-to-face counseling and practical help from our CA staff.

Christian Action regularly organizes job fairs. They are designed to meet the needs of people of all ages, with staff members available to counsel candidates on how to expand their skills and improve their employability by enrolling in our specialized ERB courses.

Christian Action began providing employability services as far back as 1985 when we were called to serve Vietnamese boat people at the Kai Tak Refugee Camp. From there we collaborate with the government to provide job seekers with the necessary skills to successfully reenter the workforce through our ERB Courses. I am truly moved by job applicants' agility, bravery, inventiveness, and tenacity. I would like to encourage all job seekers to claim God’s promise to “be strong and courageous." Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” (Deuteronomy 31:6)

Siew Mei

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