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CA Provides Transformational Experience for Youth

Earlier this year, our Lo Kwee Seong On Tai Service Centre and Maryknoll Secondary School collaborated for the first time. The "Act upon Your Heart,” outreach project aimed to foster compassion and bridge the gap between generations through house visits!

A total of 30 grassroots households of elderly singles or couples, were paired with a student and an On Tai House Captain Volunteer acting as their buddies, to help them during the visits. Each home was then visited twice. Prior to the outreaches, students were tutored in active listening, in how to express interest in the life stories of others, and identify key takeaways from the conversations. The students were encouraged to give a small, handmade gift to show their "small acts of love" to connect with the elderly.

During our visit, we went to see Granny Yip, and the students discovered that besides participating in her neighbours' dance class in the afternoon, there wasn't anything else for her to do. Occasionally, she liked to sit in the courtyard and watch the day turn into twilight to comfort her soul. Receiving these young people in her home was a source of joy for her, as she was pleased to see how age no longer separates the generations, and they had a great time bonding together. Granny Yip expressed gratitude to the students for their kindness and the considerate gifts they gave. She mentioned that she would cherish it. The youth discovered they could easily bond with the elders by being authentic and cherishing their new friendship.

As Hong Kong’s population ages we will all need to do more in order to reduce unnecessary suffering and stress. Our Lo Kwee Seong On Tai Service Centre is playing a vital role in this process. If your organization is interested in providing a transformational experience for youth, we would be delighted to hear from you. Together, we can achieve one of the most important teachings from the Lord, which is to love your neighbour!

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