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Prevention is Better than Cure

In commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the People's Republic of China's founding, Christian Action and the Hong Kong Health Care Alliance collaborated to provide a macular degeneration awareness seminar and eye examination event for the elderly residents of Wong Tai Sin District. The HKSAR Government estimates that by 2026 one in every three Hong Kong residents will be elderly. Prioritizing physical and emotional self-care practices will hopefully help the elderly learn how to preserve their eyesight.

A 62 year-old Granny Wong complained of painless central blurring of her eyes, it was interfering with everyday activities, particularly her favorite past-time of reading storybooks to her grandson. Due to the low vision, worry, sadness, and fear of falling, she was trapped at home. She wanted to do some quick tests to find out what was wrong, but she quickly discovered that the private clinic's examination was expensive and there was a lengthy wait at the government hospital. She fell into depression before learning about an up-coming eye care seminar and examination event from Christian Action. She joined up without delay.

The event took place on August 10, 2024. We invited 240 senior citizens from the Wong Tai Sin District to CAC Headquarters for preventive macular degeneration screening and fundus examination. I was pleased to have with me as officiating guests Mr. Thomas Wu Kui Wah, JP, District Officer (Wong Tai Sin), and Ms. Amy Wong, Founder of Hong Kong Health Care Alliance. Mr. Yuet Ngai Kwung and Ms. Tam Mei Po, the DC members of the Wong Tai Sin District Council, have generously supported this event. The Pentecostal Church of Hong Kong Choi Wan Neighbourhood Elderly Centre, Choi Hung Community Centres for Senior Citizens, and Yang Memorial Methodist Social Service provided full support, for which I was grateful. It was a joyful kickoff ceremony.

The awareness seminar emphasized the importance of early detection; fortunately for Granny Wong, the doctor diagnosed her age-related macular degeneration before it had advanced further and gave her professional advice. She felt so relieved knowing it was not a serious vision loss issue, but curable.

We are so happy to be of help to the elderly. Our best wishes to her speedy recovery!

God bless you all,
Siew Mei

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