


A Fitting 50th Birthday Gift!

Every year when World Environment Day comes around, I think about all the great work done by our Social Enterprise division as they recycle all the secondhand clothes and goods donated to Christian Action. This year I had to think about World Environment Day in a whole new way because of an offer we simply could not refuse...

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Breaking the Law!

It is the law in Hong Kong that both Chinese and English are official languages.

The reality is that in some of our schools there is blatant discrimination against those who are struggling to speak and write in Chinese.

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The Ongoing Journey

I was thrilled when the children of a famous and respected Hong Kong actress, Nancy Sit, began to fly a banner for orphans and abandoned children after a school trip to Xining Children's Home in 2004. Moved by what they had seen, the visiting students realized there was a vast gulf between their privileged lives and that of orphans and abandoned children.

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No room in the new

Of the 18 districts in Hong Kong, the ancient city of Kwun Tong has the third highest population. It is fast growing into a thriving CBD, but according to Phoebe, a young woman who was part of the Rotary Club's Child Development Programme, there seems to be no room for the old in the new Kwun Tong.

Members of Rotary have invested a considerable amount of money in the Child Development Fund, so I was very pleased to meet Phoebe and hear her speak about what she had learnt when she addressed a Rotary lunch.

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More Than a Body

What do you see when you look at a child with Cerebral Palsy?  Someone whose body is too small for his age, can’t get around like a `normal’ child,  and cannot communicate with you?  Or do you see a normal child who is trapped in a body which restricts him from fulfilling his potential?

How anyone cares for such a child depends very heavily on how they see him.   And how they see him and care for him inevitably means that he either remains trapped in his almost useless body, or he is freed from many of the restrictions that hold him captive.  We had that choice when Chen came to Xining Children’s Home five years ago.

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