


Summer's Reminder

Summer and I caught up with each other in Hong Kong in January 2014

As we go through life, we may never know how a small act of kindness can have a big impact on the life of someone else.

I recently discovered how one small thing I did two decades ago has positively impacted another life, and that discovery has encouraged me to continue doing those small acts of kindness, even when the busy-ness of life seems to demand priority.

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Integration not Isolation

Want to know how it's possible to live an isolated life in the midst of Hong Kong's population of over seven million people? Just call my office and make an appointment and we'll introduce you to women who know what it's like to be alone in our city - one of the most densely populated areas in the world.

Meanwhile, I'll try and paint the picture for you...

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Seek Justice!

Today, as we celebrate International Women's Day, not long after the physical abuse of Erwiana S, which caught the attention of the international media, I want to address an insidious issue which is taking place on a far wider scale. The reason I'm doing this today is to encourage you to join me in paying special tribute to domestic migrant workers in Hong Kong.

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A Life-Changing Experience

Loving parents whose children have grown up and left home often miss out on giving and receiving love on a daily basis. And we have children in Xining Children's Home who have a lot of love to give but no parents to give it to.

When loving parents and a child who still needs to give and receive love on a daily basis meet each together, their shared love brings joy to all who know them. It's a life-changing experience!

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The Missing Apple

As a fresh graduate, the first humanitarian aid work I did was helping the Vietnamese settle in England in the 1980's, so the plight of refugees has been close to my heart for a long time. Ten year- old Dai Le, who left Viet Nam with her family in the 70's and came to Hong Kong on an old fishing boat, expected to be greeted with an apple and a coke. Instead, the sight she saw when they arrived almost four decades ago was not of fresh apples and cold cokes, but of thousands of rickety boats like theirs crowded into Hong Kong harbor. It was a disappointment she would remember the rest of her life. Recently, Dai Le finally received that apple!

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