


Our Little Bin!

If you are 'a new kid on my blog', you may not know that Apert Syndrome is a rare congenital disorder caused by a genetic defect on chromosome 10. We have two children with Apert Syndrome at Xining Children's Home.

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The Town Planning Board wants to hear from you – urgently!

Like parents whose aim is to give a child the independence he will eventually need, the aim of a reputable community service organization is to help people get off welfare and give them the independence which every adult needs to live a dignified life. But now, our government has made a decision which is likely to leave a large percentage of Kwun Tong's residents forever on social welfare. However, the Town Planning Board is asking for comments from the public – that's you!

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World Refugee Day

The Bible records the fact that over 2,000 years ago Jesus was a refugee. As an infant, he was taken by Mary and Joseph to Egypt, where they were given refuge. World Refugee Day is a reminder to all of us that there are people today who also need refuge. Christian Action's work has been founded on the biblical ministry of caring for those who are in need, regardless of race, colour or creed and we've been doing it for a long time!

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Consider the Lilies

I enjoy reading in the Bible about a day when Jesus was walking in the countryside with his followers. He pointed to the wildflowers and said, "Not even King Solomon with all his wealth had clothes as beautiful as one of these flowers."

Flowers are fragile, and so was four-week-old Lily when she came to Xining Children's Home. She was born without ears and her jaw was under-developed, but we still thought she was as beautiful as any flower.

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Eternal Joy!

Over the years I have always felt at ease about sharing my grief when one of the orphans in our care dies, and you have always responded with great amounts of compassion. You have reminded me that I am not alone in this battle, and that you are out there praying for me, and especially for the children who remain with us. On May 31st another precious soul went to be with the Lord, but this time it wasn't one of our children, it was one of you faithful supporters...

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