


Evan Turns Six

Kathy Goedeken has kept in contact with Christian Action ever since 2-year-old Evan left Xining Children's Home. He turns six this year, so here's an update from Kathy as Evan steps into 'the next phase of childhood'. Kathy's two previous updates were: Loving Life, and Happy Chinese New Year. You have prayed with us for children like Evan, so I wanted you to share his progress.

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Face to Face

We have many supporters of our work who give financial donations, but I feel that too many donors are missing out on a very meaningful part of helping the poor. Seeing the faces of those we are helping is a great blessing to me and it's a blessing I'd love to share with many more of you.

The experience of meeting someone in need face-to-face has helped deepen my spiritual life, and I'm sure it will bring satisfaction and new meaning to your own life if you took the plunge, stepped out of your comfort zone, and met some of the poor whom you, or your church, supports so generously.

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Affairs of the Heart

Last year I told you about Kai, a delightful teenager who was enjoying our special education classes at Xining Children's Rehabilitation Centre. Kai's education has been supported by Wereldkinderen since 2012. He was doing so well, but now there's a serious setback which could prove life threatening. That's why I'm especially asking you to pray for Kai.

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Big Sister, Little Sister

The 'Big Brother, Big Sister' programme is becoming more globally prevalent and Christian Action can vouch for its success because we began this programme four years ago! We knew it would benefit our students at Huangnan Children's Home and the following example of the relationship between twenty three year old Hua Zang and sixteen year old Ka Mao is a beautiful testimony to its success. Here's Hua Zang's story as told by Ka Mao:

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Helping Ambitious Teens

Excellent grades at school don't always ensure that relationships at home will also be excellent. The pressures on bright students sometimes mean that family relationships may also be stressful. Yuki's situation was one such example.

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