


Listen, Learn & Laugh!

Between the ages of 18 and 24 I was studying in England on a scholarship from Kentucky Fried Chicken. At that time teenage naivete told me I was in exile from my beloved Malaysia, where I had been well on my way to fulfilling my dream of becoming a famous singer and enjoying the popularity that comes with holding the Freshie Queen title!

I know now that it was during those years that God was preparing me for a far better and more satisfying destiny than being Freshie Queen!

There's a group of 18-24 year olds in Hong Kong who are also in 'exile' from their homeland, but unlike me, they did not willingly exile themselves, and they need hope for a better future. They fled from danger, and sought asylum here. Youth Connect may be instrumental for them to reach their own satisfying destiny.

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Less Landfill, Less Hunger!

When charities work together instead of competing with each other for funds, the people we aim to serve are the ones who really benefit. I'm so glad to once again see this happen when Christian Action and Feeding Hong Kong together served a woman in serious trouble.

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Foster Family Focus

I have covered many aspects of Christian Action's work on this blog, but today I'm dedicating this space to the work of especially committed people - foster families in Hong Kong. When we bring children to Hong Kong for surgical procedures they desperately need love and care during what can be a traumatic time. This is when foster families in Hong Kong step in - usually at some cost to themselves, and I don't mean financially.

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Something was right

Last week I shared about Meizi Kershaw and her parent's visit to Xining Children's Home. Meizi was the very first child from Xining Children's Home to be adopted. I also gave you an extract from a letter written to me by her mother after their return to the USA. This week, I am sharing with you Meizi's personal reactions to her visit to China and the Xining Children's Home.

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A History Maker Returns

As I write this I'm picturing a scene which is deeply embedded in my memory. It was the moment when Crystal and Jeff Kershaw met their daughter Meizi for the first time. When I saw that little family recently, twelve years later, it was like seeing the blessing of God on the work he had initiated way back in 1993 when my heart was broken by a dream about an abandoned baby being put to death.

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