


Domestic Helpers at Risk

The recent court case, whereby a Hong Kong couple were jailed for subjecting their domestic helper to horrific abuse, is extreme, but it certainly brings home the message that even in a free, fair and safe society people still experience abuse.

However, because Christian Action runs an education programme for around 300 domestic helpers every week, we know that most employers and employment agents are not abusive. In fact, many employers encourage domestic helpers to improve their skills, and some even pay course fees! But employing domestic helpers has its pitfalls, for both employers and employees.

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A Miraculous Change

"It was a real miracle!" we may say about something that is unexpectedly surprising in our daily lives, but I believe that what we have seen in the life of little Matison Ling is far more than surprising. We have seen many children with congenital heart defects, and when Matison came to us as a newborn, it was very sad to hear, during a routine medical examination, that she had a congenital heart defect. She was placed in the care of foster parents, and it was the very best thing that we could have done for her.  They understood the power of prayer and prayed for Matison's full recovery.

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A New View of HK

Free tickets to visit Ocean Park or Disneyland are one of those opportunities that cause great excitement among our students, but this summer we provided something a little different for them. When we partnered with the Kwong Wah Group Holdings Ltd and Glory Channel Limited for the 'Kids Love Hong Kong Art Campaign', the students discovered real places far more intriguing than the fantasy world of Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse and Winnie the Pooh...

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Shy to Shining!

The outbreak of SARS in 2003 caused the suffering of many people in Hong Kong. When the printing factory in which Mr. Keung had worked for over 10 years closed down, it had a devastating effect on him. His son suffers from severe car sickness and in order to spare him the misery of feeling sick every day Mr Keung had spent his entire savings on moving closer to his son's school. It was an essential move because the boy has special education needs and therefore couldn't attend a school nearer to their home. When Mr Keung lost his livelihood, he seriously contemplated suicide.

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A Helping Hand from Nature

When I wake up every morning, I'm blessed by the view of a beautiful mountain near my home. If I have time, I take a leisurely walk in the mornings, which refreshes my whole being as I enjoy nature, and God's diverse creation. With little time for leisure activities during their tough year end exams, the youth in our Child Development Fund and Mentoring programme need help and encouragement to get out and take a break - mountains, and the sea are never far from anyone living in Hong Kong.

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