


To Walk or Not to Walk

I admit that I fail dismally when I try to imagine what it would be like not to go for a walk, or to have a disability which prevents me from being my normal mobile self.

Even when I participated in Christian Action's first three legged walkathon last year, I couldn't really imagine a permanent disability, because I always knew I would soon take that strap off my leg and be wonderfully and independently mobile again.

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Prayers answered, Opportunities Given!

I recently attended the annual meeting of the Qinghai Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), for the fourteenth consecutive year. The relationships that were established during this trip have given me the opportunity to reflect on the miraculous journey I have been on for the last 16 years.

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Fireman responds immediately in emergency!

Left to right: Fireman Hong in training, Ji in hospital and Mark MacAlpine.

I'm sure you all remember marathon runner, Mark MacAlpine, who took up the challenge to raise money for Ji, one of our children in Xining Children's Home.

This year, 2013, was to be the fifth year that Mark undertook this gruelling challenge. He aimed to raise a record HK$150 000 for Ji.But last Sunday we received the shocking news that Mark had been rushed into hospital for emergency surgery.

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Planning for the Future

Qun (Chin) was only a few days old when the person she should have trusted most in the world left her (with a broken arm) to be picked up by strangers and handed to the police. I'm so grateful that the police know that Christian Action is always willing to love and care for any child who needs a home.

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Robbed of Her Rights

International Women's Day falls on March 8th, which is why I want to share this video about abused domestic helpers with you. The video was produced by We Care Hong Kong and sponsored by the HKU Class of '84 Social Inclusion Fund. It breaks my heart that there are people in Hong Kong, my beloved city, who abuse workers like this.

I hope that when you view this video you will be moved to share it with others, so that they too will support our programmes to alleviate the suffering of these women. Importantly, we not only help to alleviate suffering, but we also equip these women to resist abuse in the future.

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