


Our 'Centre of Excellence'

Earlier this year, Martijn Roessingh and Paul Klaassen, volunteers from the Dutch charity, Wereldkinderen (WK), visited Xining Children's Rehabilitation Centre and said they felt it was a 'Centre of Excellence' in China! After sponsoring our foster care programme for nine years, they have begun financing our Community Programme. Eleven-year-old Kai is one little boy whose progress is a living testimony to the need - and the result - of having a Community Programme.

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Just do it

I am always amazed at the lengths people go to when they really want to make a difference in the life of someone less fortunate. Kenny Lau, a keen cyclist, is one such person, but he didn't know who to help or where to start. A friend told him about Christian Action and we gladly agreed to partner with Kenny. At last he could start on his adventure!

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Hands across the world

One of the wonders of our care for the orphaned and disabled children in a remote place like Qinghai, is that God's help comes to us from so many nations. Dr. Fernando Nobre from Portugal is one of those special people who recently visited Xining Children's Home and Rehabilitation Centre. He and his daughter, Isabel met seven-year-old Cai-cai who received more than a helping hand from his organization, Assistência Médica Internacional (AMI).

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The gift of identity

I recently received a letter from a Mom who had adopted one of our children from Xining Children's Home. She had read my recent post about Jiang Xiang and she thought she recognized his face from some of the baby pictures of her daughter, Rosemary. She wanted to know if Jiang Xiang could possibly be Rosemary's foster brother from their shared home in Xining.

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The meaning of 'disabled'

Sam has stabilised a lot since coming to Xining Children's Rehabilitation centre. His epilepsy is also under control

We once said 'handicapped', and today we may say 'disabled', but to be more sensitive we now give recognition to the person first and so we say, 'a person with a disability'. But neither the dictionary nor the correct etiquette books tell us how we should describe a whole family that is disabled one way or another. The Zhao family is a typical example of this.

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