


Invited to transform

In 2007 Christian Action became a registered charity in the UK. Our former Hong Kong Chairman, Rev. John Aldis, heads up the UK arm of Christian Action. In a few days I'll be in the U.K. to meet with the Board of Directors and other friends and supporters.

Some supporters will be meeting me for the first time, so I'll not only be telling them the amazing story of our journey  on the Tibetan Plateau over the last 15 years, but will also tell them some exciting and challenging news that you may not have heard yet. So here's a very brief overview for you too.

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Tied-up legs spread the word

Over 700 people were at the starting block in Christian Action's recent four kilometer walk over the beautiful golf course at The Clearwater Bay Golf and Country Club. They did it (or attempted to do it) to raise funds for the orphaned and disabled children of Qinghai. As an additional mark of their sympathy for these children, every one of those 700 wonderful people tried to do it with one leg tied to another person!

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A time to weep and a time to laugh

The writer of the ancient book of Ecclesiastes sounds like he was writing about the Easter event when he wrote that there is a time to weep and a time to laugh. Good Friday on the Christian calendar is a time of sadness as we remember how Christ was crucified for the sins of all people. But soon there is Easter morning when the happy greeting is exchanged by Christians all over the world, 'He is risen!'

My family at home, and now at Christian Action, have been experiencing a time for weeping.

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Caleb's farewell

Nine years ago a newborn baby in urgent need of surgery for multiple congenital birth defects came to us. Thanks to your generosity, he's had surgery several times. He has faced many challenges including learning to walk, but little Muyang has overcome them all with great courage, and humor!

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A Smile Speaks

Ethnic Minorities build bridges on an outing in Hong Kong

As you know I was appointed as a Justice of the Peace by the Hong Kong government in 2010, so I thought you'd like to hear about one aspect of this role. I recently visited young male offenders at Sha Tsui Correctional Institute. Among them was a teenager who was clearly not Chinese. Knowing the difficulties ethnic minorities have integrating with the Hong Kong community, I wanted to know how he was fitting in with the Chinese inmates.

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