


The Life-changing Power of Scholarships

Scholarships change lives. They give educational opportunities that would otherwise be impossible. At Christian Action, we believe that a family’s poverty cycle can be broken with a quality education. For this reason, we provide high school students from our service centres, with tertiary education opportunities.

Three weeks ago I attended the Christian Action Scholarship for Excellence (CASE) Award Presentation at our Headquarters and heard the story of one of our amazing students.

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Join This Year’s 3-Legged Charity Walk To Save At Risk Children.

Chui’s life, and her relationship with her daughter, is a success story born of struggle; but it could so easily have gone the other way. Chui knew that for her daughter to succeed in life she needed to excel academically. She did everything possible to help her, but the harder she tried the more her daughter stone-walled her and their relationship disintegrated.

When her daughter was diagnosed as having learning disabilities, Chui sought help. Unfortunately, the government clinics were of no assistance and private clinics were too costly.

Chui was eventually sent to Christian Action's social worker in a desperate state. We accepted her daughter into the After-School care programme, in addition to establishing her detailed family circumstances and providing counselling.

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Happy Chinese New Year!

Happy Chinese New Year! Today is the first day of the New Year. It is traditionally spent visiting the homes of friends and families to wish them a Happy New Year. This practice is known as "bai leen" in Cantonese (or "bai nian" in Putonghua). Simply put, the phrase means to "wish someone a Happy New Year" or to "exchange New Year's greetings”.

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Love and Care for the Heart

Since 2010, Hong Kong has been ranked No. 1 worldwide for the longest lifespan of its residents. Experts suggested this was due to the city’s well-developed economy and quality healthcare services, which helped to raise average life expectancy to 85.4 years. The finding also indicates that the majority of elderly people often suffer from chronic diseases, including cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, it is imperative that we assist the elderly to maintain good heart health.

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Executive Director of Employees Retraining Board Gives Christian Action High Praise

Thirty years ago Hong Kong’s manufacturing sector was shuttering factory after factory and moving production elsewhere. Thousands of factory workers were being laid off with little prospect of finding replacement employment elsewhere. For them it was a real life nightmare of staggering proportions. This is when Christian Action first started using its decades of experience in running retraining programs for refugees from Vietnam, to help Hong Kong’s working class.

To celebrate 30 years of training services our Training Services Division (TSD) held a wonderful corporate lunch at the Royal Plaza Hotel some time ago. We were honoured to have with us Mr. Byron Ng, BBS, Executive Director of Employees Retraining Board (ERB) and Mr. Patrick Pang, Deputy Executive Director (Training Services). Their presence added a special touch to the celebration, as they were also at our 25th anniversary!

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